Sunday 16 December 2012

IPCC ‘expert reviewer’ worshipper of ancient sun god

Academic eyebrows were raised yesterday after it became apparent that any old riff raff could get on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) 800 strong ‘expert reviewer’ board, which are shown the draft report and asked to comment before general release.

This comes following the unauthorised draft release of the 5th IPCC global warming report by a rogue reviewer, where it quickly became clear he was not selected on either profession of expertise or reviewing capabilities.  The reason for going rogue quickly became clear on the website where the report was published, where some abysmally cherry picked statements were butchered together to try support unfounded conclusions on the causes of climate change.

The 2012 Wisconsin Cherry Picking Champion said: “This is possibly the worst case of cherry picking I’ve ever seen, half of what he cherry picked doesn’t even support what he’s saying. Who is this guy and what’s his deal with the sun?...amateur.”

The rogue climate change sceptic who clearly didn’t read the report he promised he wouldn’t make public, claimed it highlighted that enhanced solar forcing is a significant factor contributing to current climate change, stating that authors acknowledge “strong evidence for enhanced solar forcing,” when the report in fact points to a minimal influence of solar forcing and an almost certainly that human emissions are the principal cause.

Even the summary for policy makers (which hopefully some policy makers will actually read this time around) shows that solar forcing is about 1/24th of that of human driving agents.


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