Monday 4 March 2013

Move over jaws man is the real terror of the seas.

Each year thousands of people paddle in the shallows at Blackpool beach, not daring to wade any deeper than the shallows for fear of becoming a tasty bite sized snack for that fearsome hunter of the seas, the shark. And yet it seems in reality the shark is in far more danger of those pasty faced, knobbly kneed holiday makers diving into the water and taking a bite out of him. On average just over four people are killed each year by jaws (rumours that "I bet I can pull his tail" is the most common choice of last words are wrong, it's actually "aarrgh!"), while over the past decade, the number of sharks killed by humans averages at around 100 million a year.

The increasing popularity of shark fin soup amongst Chinese communities is thought to be one of the main factors in this vast number of shark kills. A spokesman for the shark population said "my people are a peaceful race, eating mostly fish and only the occasional surfboarder, who might I add give us the most horrendous indigestion". A spokesman for the shark fishermen said only "Quiet tasty shark! Get in my soup now!"

So next time you’re standing in trepidation on the beach, go ahead and dive right in and, if you do see a shark, take a bite, it probably tastes like chicken...

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