Tuesday 26 March 2013

Don’t blame the weather, blame yourselves say climate scientists

Climate scientists have found a link between the snowfall and freezing temperatures being experienced in Britain, Europe and North America and global warming. They state that the dramatic decline in Arctic sea ice is adding heat to the ocean and atmosphere, shifting the jet stream and allowing cold air from the Arctic to head south. 

“Essentially...we told you so, we told you so again, and we told you it will only get worse,” said one climate boffin. 

He added: “Many people will simply try to adapt to the change rather than realising it can be prevented, given that we caused it. We’re not cavemen anymore: we understand the problem and know how to moderate it. Don’t buy a 44 and a jacket stuffed with a few geese and then curse when you plough into a six-foot snow drift and have to get towed out by a smug farmer. Buy one of those electro-mobiles that will stay firmly in your garage because the cold has flattened the battery. It will save you all the trouble and is much better for dear old Mother Nature.”
"Cars stuck in even worse drifts higher up you say? They were clearly lacking my superb driving technique...onwards!"

This link comes as the UK’s chief scientific adviser has warned that the CO2 in the atmosphere now will be causing floods and droughts for the next 25 years, meaning the longer we leave the CO2 rise unchecked the worse it will get, and not just for the geese.

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